De acordo com Max, Kate gosta de levantar cedo. Apesar de ser adulta, aposto que ela est "proibida" de ver filmes com classificao para maiores de 18 anos". A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. Ela legal e gentil, mesmo com os outros alunos zoando a campanha de abstinncia dela. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. Mensagem enviada Max por Richard Marsh. (Mateus 11:28). Independente do desfecho do Episdio 2, Kate no aparece diretamente neste episdio. Ohhh. O contedo da comunidade est disponvel sob. Avel The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Hell nah. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they need them more than her. Then, suddenly, Zachary comes in, and tells the class, that something is going on on girl's dorm. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one. It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Kate para Max em "Chrysalis", Kate Marsh No fichrio, voc pode encontrar trs fotografias da Kate dopada, tiradas por Mark Jefferson. Amarelo tambm a cor da amizade. No quarto do hospital em que Kate est no Episdio 4, Max pode ver as flores que Taylor mandou para ela, que so tulipas amarelas. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Subscribe Kate Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. Near the end of the second episode, Max walks into class, only to find out, that Kate is missing. Tulipas amarelas significam pensamentos esperanosos e positivos, e so um presente comum de melhoras. If Kate lives, the sticker graphic that appears implies that she has died ("Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone"). As Kate remained unconscious most of the time, Jefferson decided to keep her alive. Ao falar com ela, Max pode encoraj-la a parar de compartilhar o vdeo. When word of her video reached her family, her mother expressed disappointment at her behavior and lack of adherence to her Christian upbringing. Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. Similar to Alice whose sanity becomes increasingly questionable the more time she spends in Wonderland, Kate becomes increasingly more unstable emotionally as the story goes on to the point where in the end she was willing to kill herself just to make it stop. Before class, Kate asks Mr. Jefferson if there is anything that he can do about her video. Suddenly, everything stops, and Max, after noticing that everything is non-motion, she goes on top of the tower. Following the events of her attempted suicide, according to Max's diary, Max walked Kate down from the rooftop. After Kate is saved, she will continue to appear in Max's story during Life is Strange. After that, all of the students run out of the school, only to see Kate standing on the edge of the tower, ready to jump off. But I replayed the game to get all the photo achievements and correct that one choice. Academia Blackwell She attempts to use her power in order to reverse time, but suffers severe headaches and nosebleeds as a result. Seu quarto no Dormitrio Feminino o 222. Isso evidente pelas pistas do David, que incluem fotos e dados de localizao que cruzam a hora do sequestro de Kate com as coordenadas dos veculos de Jefferson e Nathan na noite de 4 de outubro. Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof.Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. Ao devolver o livro de Kate, Max pode explorar o quarto dela. Max can either ignore Kate or answer her call. Max can either encourage her to call the police, or discourage her and look for proof instead, either way Max will try to talk her out of making a hasty decision and Kate continues with her depression. said to Mr. Jefferson in the corridor in "Out of Time"Nobody cares about me. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, Se a Kate morrer, o adesivo que estar no dirio aps esta consequncia ir sugerir que ela ainda est viva (Fique Bem Logo). Ela no bebe lcool e lidera uma campanha de abstinncia na escola, embora ela tome alguns goles de vinho na igreja. Appareantly, someone filmed it, and put it on the web. In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of "The October Country" back. (@ambersprice), Fnaf enjoyer(@deadbydayplayz), Life is strange(@life_is_strange_edits1), sophia(@youkilledabout53cats), sara lol(@brxh.s), Ally (@_yeager.stan_), SnipsGamingtiktok(@snipsgamingtiktok), (@.hnix), wsp(@locuich), liv(@feltaln) . Kate asks Max whether she should go to the police for help with her situation. This cookie tracks usage of the site's Dark Mode option to give us an insight into its value and relevance. He didn't kill the others. Kate regrets her suicide attempt deeply and feels very ridiculous, but Max assures her that other people need to feel responsible for what has happened. He killed Nathan since he's the one who gets framed. Ela mandar uma mensagem para Max com o nmero do quarto dele (111) quando Max visitar o dormitrio masculino mais tarde no mesmo episdio. Returning Kate's book, Max can look around her bedroom. Lastly as Max nears Kate, she tries to tell her that God has big plans for her, but Kate will say that he put her on the roof, Max can either recite a word from her bible, or convince her that she's not doing the right thing. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club Party, and seems emotionally traumatized. Mais tarde, Kate aparece no pesadelo da Max. Her birthday, which falls on Halloween, is just around the corner, and she hopes that this year will be a fresh start . Due to her religious background, she is quite meek towards most (if not all) of the people who bully her and doesn't hesitate to give people such as Victoria Chase a second chance. Max can't use her powers to bring Kate back if she dies in Episode 2 of Life is Strange, so find out how to save her within this guide. Causa da Morte O lado criativo da Kate tambm mostrado atravs de sua paixo por msica; ela toca violino (normalmente todas as manhs) e gosta muito de Mozart.[2]. Kate foi filmada beijando vrias pessoas e no se lembra de ter feito isso por causa das drogas. Katie When Max discovers that Chloe was drugged by Nathan Prescott, she assumes that the same thing happened to Kate due to her strange, uncharacteristic behavior in the viral video. Kate seemed an exception, for a reason that is not explained in the game she survived the Darkroom and continued watching the Jefferson class. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. 2015 Square Enix Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Her father sent her a postcard to give her hope, while her Aunt sent her a letter condemning her actions in the video. Ela tem uma coelha de estimao preta e branca chamada Alice em seu quarto. (If you save her, she goes to the hospital in regard to her mental health. Ele fala sobre uma reunio organizada em honra a ela, e tenta oferecer sua ajuda. She has two younger sisters, one of them the 10-year-old Lynn Marsh. provvel que o esprito animal da Kate seja o coelho, que o animal mais conectado a ela, j que ela possui um coelho de estimao. In addition, it could also be a possible reference to Kate's deteriorating mental state. Max encounters Kate Marsh in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and depending on Max's choice with David and Kate's argument, she will either scold Max for not helping, or thank her for getting between them. If Max chooses to go to the police, Kate will be easier to deal with at the climax. Please be sure to credit me (either . No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. Nathan learned to like torture and dead people. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. Quando Max descobre que Chloe foi drogada por Nathan Prescott, ela presume que a mesma coisa aconteceu com a Kate, devido ao seu comportamento estranho no vdeo viral. Eu entenderia se sim. Ela tenta usar seu poder para salv-la a tempo, mas acaba sofrendo vrias dores de cabea e sangramentos nasais no processo. Aparies She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. I have to make an effort to talk to her more often, maybe invite her to tea or a movie. improvvel que Kate tenha usado maconha e cido (outras drogas no nome de Katie no livro), e que alguma das transaes tenha ocorrido na Blackwell, onde ela passa a maior parte do tempo; Kate nem consegue um dizer um palavro quem dir se envolver com o Frank. The storm would have been on its way by then, and Kate and her family would most likely have fled the town. Her family are now very protective towards Kate, and felt very guilty. The good news is that Kate can likely be saved, even with less than optimal choices up to this point. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. O adesivo que indica que a Kate est viva foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_dead, e o que indica que ela est morta foi rotulado como Kate_scrapbook_alive. Her father Richard Marsh is a preacher in the Church, who she seems to have a good relationship with. Informaes Bsicas Na Sala Escura, o fichrio da Kate um dos trs que ficam visveis no Episdio 4, com os outros dois sendo o fichrio da Rachel Amber e o fichrio vazio da Victoria. 1,031 ratings201 reviews. I do like Kate Marsh, she's down the hall and in one of my classes. sugerido no, O versculo da Bblia favorito de Kate : "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs." Those who decided Kate should go straight to the police can't fail, but those who tried to collect evidence on their own first should be cautious. Sometime before the events of LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - \"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.\"Max talks to Kate about the events of the Vortex Club Party and the viral video. Hospital Room - Life Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate . Sometime before the events of the LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party.